Thank you for your interest in making a gift to the UWI Development and Endowment Fund. We appreciate your support! All donations made from within Jamaica are in JMD, otherwise, the default currency is USD.
Note: If you encounter difficulties giving online, please contact the Recording Secretary's Office at 876-977-6757-8 or donate2uwi@uwidef.org. (Please do not email credit card numbers.)
Donate Today
Your donation may be for a specific project, a scholarship or we can assist you to determine
how best to designate your gift to a special purpose.
Contributing to UWIDEF is easy, convenient, and tax-deductible.
Please note, Money Order is not accepted by the banks in Jamaica.
To discuss other options for giving or to receive more information, please contact:
The University of The West Indies Development and Endowment Fund
16 Gibraltar Camp Way
UWI Mona, Kingston 7
Tel: 876-977-6757-876-436-5001
E-mail: donate2uwi@uwidef.org
Website: www.uwidef.org
We’ll be happy to help you make your gift or answer any questions you may have.